Monday, November 5, 2012

My Life in a Mason Jar

I'm seriously tempted to change the name of this blog.  Do you have any idea how many mason jars are floating around my life right now?  Let's analyze:

I just counted 181 jars of varying sizes full of food in my canning cabinet (no I didn't count them for giggles, I was doing an inventory) (I might have gone a bit overboard... we're never going to get through all that salsa...) (and that's not counting the 4 sitting on my kitchen counter to be used soon and the half dozen open jars in the fridge) (I like parentheses)
I use freezer-jam jars to make homemade yogurt, usually 6 jars at a time
I have two more freezer-jam jars in my shower to dilute the baking soda and apple cider vinegar to wash my hair
I have a half pint jar downstairs and a jelly jar upstairs containing my homemade deodorant
There is a pint jar with holes poked in one lid (covered with another lid to keep it fresh and from stinking up the place) in the spice cabinet holding hubby's rib rub

Also I don't currently have any of these jars but have in the past: homemade semi-instant oatmeal mix, chai tea mix, beef jerky, bits and bobs in the garage (actually there might still be some of those, I haven't looked) (although most of those aren't actually mason jars, somehow my hubby got a massive collection of baby food jars, I'm not quite sure how that happened since he has never procreated nor has he lived in the same state as a baby relative) and probably other things I am not thinking of right now.  There's another jar somewhere with more holes poked in the lid that I've used to hatch out butterflies and moths.  Entomology nerd.

And I want more!!!  I found these adorable little soap pump lids that go on mason jars for next to your bathroom sinks and whatnot.  And there will probably be other ideas as time goes on.  The more homemade things I make, the more I shove things in mason jars.  December's homesteading project is laundry, I have soap nuts sitting in my amazon cart just waiting for me to decide what else to put in there and punch in my gift card number and hit the free super saver shipping button.  I hear that soap nuts work best in hot water but I'm lazy and my water heater sucks so I'll probably be making them into soap nut liquid detergent which I'm sure will also go into a mason jar.

Also saw a cute idea for making candles in mason jars.  Safety first - make sure they won't break or damage whatever they're sitting on.  But it looked like a good idea!

Anyway, I should go be productive.  Just wanted to babble about my love for the simple mason jar. 

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