Monday, October 22, 2012

Did you miss me?

I love how blogspot lets you keep your site even if you only post a dozen times in a year.  Nice.

So... is it time for an update?  Let's go through my old posts and see where I am now. 

Still invisible.  I'm about 10 lbs down from my highest point, although that's 7 lbs higher than I had gotten to in the last year or so.  Struggling.  I've gotten away from the podcasts, and maybe that's part of the problem.  I've forgotten about Persistence, Patience and Practice.  Also not exercising regularly, although I have been working on finding workouts I don't mind.  More on all this later.

I have made progress on lunch though.  Lots of paninis and shit made up ahead of time and wrapped up and stowed in the freezer.  One goes into the toaster oven, and I have a good lunch that isn't a pathetic sad affair at home or a lonely expensive affair out.

And I've actually made progress on those Springtime Fantasies too!  No, I haven't started gardening (and we're coming up on November, so I'm probably not going to start any time soon) and I still don't look so good in a sundress (although, oddly, the hubbster seems to think I do.  weird)  I have canned so much I'm just about out of empty jars though!  I experimented with pressure canning this year.  And.....

I discovered "homesteading".

This is going to be a huge post (and well past my bedtime) if I go into all of it right now.  But I have learned that homesteading doesn't have to be off-grid self-sustaining Little House on the Prairie homestead.  Make your own homestead.  And I'm in LOVE with the idea!  So many things.  I'll be back soon with details.

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